Posts tagged Greece
Turkey Reaffirms Desire to Join the European Union - will This Time be More Fruitful Than the Past?

“An influential NATO ally, Turkey has sought membership into the EU since 2005, and the country has been a member of NATO since 1952. Yet accession negotiations to join the EU -- beginning in 2005 -- have followed a cycle of slow progress and disappointment. Notably along the way, Turkey has been at odds with several EU nations (and sometimes the entire EU altogether), with two of the most notable countries being France and Greece. So, the question that the international community and world order asks itself is: How, if at all, will Turkey’s current push to join the EU result any differently than before?”

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Turkey and Greece Resume Peaceful Negotiations as Pompeo Wraps up Mediterranean Visit

“The deterioration of relations and escalating conflict between Greece and Turkey puts the United States in a somewhat precarious political position. Not only does the United States fear being forced to choose between its two NATO allies, its partnership with Turkey has been key to the Trump administration’s mission to defeat Shiite volunteer armies and other Iranian-led activities in Syria in support of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.”

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Tensions Simmer in the Eastern Mediterranean over Potential Oil Riches

“What was previously a local dispute over maritime borders between Greece and Turkey has become a matter of international interest after a 2010 study by the US Geological Survey estimated 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 122 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Levant Basin. Turkey’s survey vessel -The Orus Reis - crossed into recognized Greek territory in early August. It was originally supposed to finish its mission last Monday, but on Saturday evening, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that it would remain in the region for another 90 days.”

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