Both nominations came down to razor-thin margins, and there were intense lobbying efforts made by both supporters and opponents. There is no longer a question of Trump’s influence within the Senate GOP—it remains strong.
Read MoreNote from the EIC: We at the CPR condemn the terrorizing and killing of innocent people on both sides of the Israeli and Palestinian crisis. Just as our job is to provide analysis doing justice to the many perspectives on an issue, we ask you to think about all sides involved in this conflict. The humanitarian atrocities committed by Hamas do not justify the cutting off of food, water, electricity, and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, nor the Israeli Defense Forces’ onslaught of bombs to the area. Please join us in praying for a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis together.
Both nominations came down to razor-thin margins, and there were intense lobbying efforts made by both supporters and opponents. There is no longer a question of Trump’s influence within the Senate GOP—it remains strong.
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