Why You Should Vote in Tuesday's Local Elections
Check the State Board of Election’s website to find your polling place (Image)
It’s that time of year again: students are back from Fall Break, the weather is slowly but surely getting colder, and nearly everything edible sold in stores has the word “pumpkin” in its name. But as everyone tries to stay on top of their classes and commitments while the second half of the semester moves along, there is one more thing that every Tar Heel should remember to do: vote!
On Nov. 5, elections will be taking place in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Local elections definitely don’t get eligible voters as excited and engaged as when presidential candidates are on the ballot, but they are still nonetheless impacted. Here are some of the offices that are on the ticket:
Chapel Hill Mayor
Chapel Hill Town Council
Carrboro Mayor
Carrboro Board of Aldermen
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education
The people who occupy these offices act as the governing body of their respective towns, and as such they have plenty of sway in the policies and progress that affect us. In addition to the mayor being the town executive, the Chapel Hill Town Council has responsibilities that include making appointments to bodies that include advisory boards and task forces, and amending adopted policies. The Board of Aldermen acts similarly for Carrboro. To put it concisely: the result of these elections will impact you and the community that surrounds Carolina. Casting your vote, whether it be in a national, state, or local race, makes your voice heard and allows each citizen to affect the course of public policy. To find your polling place, follow this link, then get out and vote!