Posts in Opinion
The Cost of Debt

“Only recently having left the world of mask mandates, vaccines, work at home orders, and increased prices, the state of the dollar must be preserved in an already weakened economy. With inflation the highest in over forty years, having been capped in July at 9.1%, additive changes such as loan forgiveness will seek to halt its decline back to the recommended 2%.”

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Column: The Issue with OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate

“The desire to end the seemingly never-ending pandemic has led Americans to put a lot of faith in the federal government. This can be dangerous. The United States has checks and balances and separation of powers for a reason. If these were neglected, it could set a dangerous precedent. Some businesses have already implemented vaccine requirements on their own terms or because of a state mandate; however, a federal mandate carries a heavier weight and attempts to usurp state sovereignty. After all, the 10th amendment provides the states with the authority to oversee public health, not the federal government.”

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Column: Why Trump Shouldn't Run in 2024

“Overall, Trump had his pros and cons; however, he is not what the country needs in 2024, nor is Biden for that matter. This conclusion is strictly due to age. In the last two elections, we have elected the two oldest presidents in history, this title belonged to Reagan before Trump and Biden’s elections. It is time for both parties to move forward and to the side so that the next generation can pick up the reins. As Condoleezza Rice recently said, “It’s time now for the next generation of party leaders to ‘move ahead and deal with the American people’s issues’.”

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Column: The United States Needs a Secular Political Revival

“From its earliest colonial roots, the United States has been a Christian nation. Even the establishment clause, which prevents the declaration of a federal religion and is codified in the Bill of Rights, was included with the understanding that there were so many regional denominations of Christianity in the colonies that to impose one of them as dominant would inhibit the freedoms of our fledgling nation. America was created by Christians, for Christians. Understanding that is the first step to understanding how we ended up with a comprehensive abortion ban in Texas that allows citizens to sue people they suspect have undergone or helped someone else attain an abortion procedure (SB8). It is also a realization that is needed to overturn SB8 and legislation like it in the future.”

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The Biden Administration’s Surprisingly Positive First Fifty Days

“Going into Inauguration Day, many Americans were satisfied to finally see the Oval Office reclaimed by someone who, while not perfect, seemed to have common courtesy and basic administrative competency. For others, the relief inspired by Donald Trump leaving public office was mitigated by a concern that nothing would fundamentally change under a Biden administration. While President Biden is still far from a progressive president, recent orders and proposals by him and the Democratic party which he leads should inspire some confidence in those uneasy about Biden’s capacity to affect positive change.”

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The Battle for the Nation's Soul Will be Won or Lost in North Carolina

“If it feels like some sick game to get over 270 electoral votes by cobbling together a map of states, that’s because it is. The defining issues of our time, like the COVID-19 response, racial equity, and health care ought to be decided by one person, one vote. Unfortunately, those aren’t the rules by which we play. To restore decency to our country, it is imperative that we find our way to 270 electoral votes. A victory right here in North Carolina can ensure it if the Blue Wall falters once more.”

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Trump’s ‘stand down and stand by’ comment reveals the entrenchment of white supremacy in American public discourse

“That our President is not firmly standing against white supremacy should be a watershed moment for this country. The fact that there are enough people who buy into white supremacy and enough people willing to ignore it reveals that there is something fundamentally wrong with the people and political system of this country. Yet amid the profound confusion of the Trump presidency, it passed the news cycle as just another aberration”

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RBG’s Death Exposes Bigger Problems with American Government

“The current state of American democracy is so flimsy that we cannot even celebrate the life of Justice Ginsberg without the dark shadow of politics looming over. The corruption of the Trump administration, coupled with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and the heightened tensions of an election year has intensified many people’s focus on our current political system. Americans are realizing just how fragile our system is, and how much fundamental change we really need.”

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UNC should abolish Greek life

Fraternities provide a location for students to commit crimes and a community of people who will encourage, or at least not object, to the crimes being committed. Without Greek life there would not be a university sanctioned central location--where first-year women are targeted, their entrance and exit from the location and their alcohol consumption controlled solely by men--for these behaviors to occur.

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I Am No Longer Ashamed.

Until young children across America and the world can come to terms with their sexuality and not feel shame, or worse, hate, Pride Month is vital. Until transgender youth can play team sports in high school without facing shame or judgement, Pride Month is vital. Until LGBTQ youth everywhere can openly be who they are without fear of being kicked out of their home, shunned from the families and lives that they know, Pride Month is vital.

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