Posts in National
Confusion and Uncertainty in Iowa Caucus Results

These critiques came to a head as what was already viewed by some as a flawed system showed signs of systematic failure. In an attempt to increase transparency, the Iowa Democratic Party allowed precincts to report to Democratic National Committee (DNC) Iowa headquarters in three ways: a now infamous smartphone app, a phone call to headquarters, and paper records to ensure accuracy.

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NationalAbbey KormanComment
The High Court and Your Health: The Controversies, Cases and Conclusions that Shape Access to Care

In 2012, a high court’s ruling on states’ rights left millions of indigent people stranded without insurance. A single justice’s vote in favor of an individual mandate forced every citizen to purchase health insurance or pay hundreds of dollars in taxes. Nine unelected judges had the power to render an entire healthcare system plan obsolete with the stroke of a pen.

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How the Bombshell Taylor Testimony Changes Trump Impeachment Proceedings

In his opening statement, Taylor discusses “two channels of U.S. policymaking and implementation” at work in Ukraine: the more “regular, formal” one Taylor headed as the chief of mission, and an “irregular” channel headed by Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. He describes the “irregular channel” as “at odds” with official U.S. foreign policy interests and goals. 

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Climate Strike Forces Skeptics to Stand Against Science

While the Green New Deal inspired Republican vitriol due to its associated costs and increased role for government in energy policy, recent protests force skeptics to either take the side of protesters, or attack the science of climate change. And attacking the consensus of science or youth who are seeking to make a positive impact on the world just isn’t a good look for anyone.

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California Takes Steps to Eliminate For-Profit Prisons

The situation in California is especially complicated as GEO Group, one of the largest for-profit prison companies in the U.S. and one that owns four facilities in California, operates two Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the state… The question still remains of what what will happen to ICE detainees currently housed in state for-profit facilities in California after their contracts expire in 2020.

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The Politicization of Vaccination

“All states have school immunization requirements, but most allow exemptions for religious reasons, and 17 also permit “personal belief exemptions.” Political efforts to eliminate these exemptions are creating battles in state legislatures across the nation.”

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NationalLiam GlenComment