Posts in Local
How North Carolina’s New Budget Might Accidentally Break the State Retirement Plan

North Carolina’s budget for the next two fiscal years, H.B. 259 makes changes to UNC Health and ECU Health policies which received little reporting at the time of the bill’s passage but have since caused a legal crisis at the State Treasury and strong allegations of fiduciary misconduct. 

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Chapel Hill Goes to the Polls

Chapel Hill’s polling stations will also find themselves busy, as the mayor’s office, four seats on the town council, and four seats on the school board are all up for election. Issues such as changes to zoning in Chapel Hill, progress on the Bus Rapid Transit line, and possibly more planned buildings on Franklin Street promise to make this election an impactful one for Chapel Hill’s future.

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UNC Announces Faculty for School of Civic Life and Leadership

On Oct. 6, 2023, the University of North Carolina announced that it has appointed nine of its faculty members to the newly created School of Civic Life and Leadership. However, faculty members and others have expressed concerns that the School of Civic Life and Leadership will reflect the conservative bent of the Board of Trustees.

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Gov. Cooper’s Revealing Vetoes of Environmental Legislation

“One bill is a wide-ranging regulatory reform bill that would speed up environmental permits for projects like the Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline. Another provision would change the regulations around hog waste lagoons, a move that opponents say could prevent state agencies from considering civil rights issues when they issue permits.”

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Carrboro’s Comprehensive Plan Sets the Framework for the Town to Address Affordable Housing, Climate Action, and Racial Equity

“Increasing affordable housing takes funding and extensive organization; however, its attention in the plan marks a vital first step. One of the most important ways the plan will achieve affordable housing is by providing financial incentives like an increase in density bonus for rental units that provide housing to residents whose average income is below 80% of the Average Median Income, AMI, of the community.“

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Former Vice President Mike Pence Speaks at UNC-Chapel Hill: His Views on Protesters, the Presidential Race, and Proactive Listening

“On Wednesday, April 26, UNC Chapel Hill was added to a list of stops made by former Vice President Mike Pence to speak to college students around the nation. Pence spoke before 500 people in the Franklin Porter Graham Student Union’s Great Hall and was greeted by a flurry of applause before he began his speech, titled “Saving America from the Woke Left.” While Mr. Pence, his ideas, and his discourse with the audience were greatly supported and received within the Great Hall, a few hundred feet across from the Student Union a large protest was attended by hundreds of UNC students and members of the local community.“

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North Carolinians Ready to Kill the Death Penalty

“In December of 2022, the North Carolina Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (NCCADP) launched the “No More Death Row” campaign to end the practice of capital punishment in North Carolina. Last week, the North Carolina Council of Churches and NCCADP released a statement to Governor Roy Cooper, urging him to commute the sentences of all current prisoners on death row within the state.“

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On the Heels of a Tragedy: North Carolina Legislature Loosens Gun Laws Despite Yet Another Devastating School Shooting

“March 23, 2023, brought yet another horrendous act of gun violence in the United States. A short two days later on March 29, 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly was able to pass Senate Bill 41, also known as the Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections Act. The bill’s most serious implications come in its first section most commonly referred to as the “pistol permit purchase” section, which ends the requirement to obtain a permit from one’s county sheriff before purchasing a handgun.“

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The Importance of Differentiating Between Academic Speech and Free Speech on College Campuses

“Free speech has and continues to play an essential role in higher education, yet recent political polarization has put a strain on the effort to maintain the essential divide between academic speech and public discourse.“

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North Carolina General Assembly Passes Medicaid Expansion Bill

“The ability of Republicans and Democrats in North Carolina to reconcile their decade-long debate on Medicaid and pass a bipartisan bill that will bring both economic and health benefits to the state and its residents should be celebrated and will bring significant impacts to NC.” 

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Meet Anderson Clayton: A Fresh Face Looking to Breathe Life Back Into Her Party as North Carolina Democratic Chair

“To say the 2022 elections were disappointing for North Carolina Democrats would be an understatement. However, the Democratic party’s strategy is bound to change with the entrance of a fresh face bringing with it new energy. In February 2023, Anderson Clayton was elected the North Carolina Democratic Party Chair, becoming the youngest party chair in the country at only 25 years old.“

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Vincent Brown Delivers “Black History’s Warning to the World”

“This year marks UNC’s Inaugural Dr. Genna Rae McNeil Endowed Black History Month Lecture, the first in a series meant to inform and enlighten both UNC students and the public about the importance and significance of Black history. It’s even more fitting that this year's theme for Black History Month is ‘Black Resistance,’ a theme needed now more than ever as limits on the teaching of the subject sweep the country.“

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