“It has become abundantly clear in recent cycles that an inordinate amount of electoral power is granted to relatively small and unrepresentative populations. States like Iowa and New Hampshire, simply by virtue of their place in the early stages of process, are examples of such communities — and likely to the detriment of those who will vote later.”
Read More“Presidential candidates in modern politics run not because they think they can lead the country, but instead for the perks that come with the journey there: notoriety, book and television deals, and, if they’re lucky, a cabinet or vice-presidential nod.”
Read More“Large-scale humanitarian problems like infant mortality, fleeing refugees, and dwindling access to basic medicine belong in the headlines of stories on Venezuela’s current state, not buried beneath the politics.”
Read More“This particularly harsh and unnecessary government shutdown inordinately harmed the most vulnerable, and perhaps none more than women.”
Read More“Not only do we believe it’s permissible for non-political actors to comment on political proceedings — we believe it is a fundamental aspect of political participation in a modern democracy.”
Read More“The Supreme Court ultimately granted Pfizer permission to bulldoze entire neighborhoods, leaving local families homeless and destitute, all in the name of ‘progress,’ — or, more specifically, in the name of a new manufacturing plant.”
Read More“Perhaps the current occupant of the White House will learn that not all Americans support our country going about business as usual with murderous, unstable autocrats.”
Read More“The powers in charge of keeping our campus safe acted in the only way that could possibly be worse for our community than putting the monument back in its original location. A low bar to limbo, but under it they slid.”
Read More“What Henson and others fail to grasp, however, is neither the First Amendment nor our societal expectations of common courtesy should ever mandate “tolerance” for dispositions which are morally bankrupt.”
Read More“These results represent undeniable victories for LGBTQ+ communities around the nation — and many more are not so easily captured in simple numbers or statistics.”
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