Posts in Editor's Picks
Meet Anderson Clayton: A Fresh Face Looking to Breathe Life Back Into Her Party as North Carolina Democratic Chair

“To say the 2022 elections were disappointing for North Carolina Democrats would be an understatement. However, the Democratic party’s strategy is bound to change with the entrance of a fresh face bringing with it new energy. In February 2023, Anderson Clayton was elected the North Carolina Democratic Party Chair, becoming the youngest party chair in the country at only 25 years old.“

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Vincent Brown Delivers “Black History’s Warning to the World”

“This year marks UNC’s Inaugural Dr. Genna Rae McNeil Endowed Black History Month Lecture, the first in a series meant to inform and enlighten both UNC students and the public about the importance and significance of Black history. It’s even more fitting that this year's theme for Black History Month is ‘Black Resistance,’ a theme needed now more than ever as limits on the teaching of the subject sweep the country.“

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Announcement of School of Civic Life and Leadership Leaves UNC Faculty and Student Government Shocked while Conservatives Celebrate

This February, along with media coverage of an uncharacteristically lackluster basketball season, many news outlets have been reporting on the happenings of a different group associated with UNC- its own Board of Trustees. The UNC Board of Trustees recently made a motion to create the School of Civic Life and Leadership for future UNC students.

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New Parental Rights Bill Brings the “Don’t Say Gay” Debate to the Tarheel State

The North Carolina Senate has started off their new legislative session with a flurry of activity. One of the first things Senate Republicans brought to the floor was Senate Bill 49, better known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights . . . . Now that the North Carolina version of the “Don't Say Gay” bill is in the hands of the Republican-controlled North Carolina House of Representatives, many LGBTQ+ affirming and progressive education groups are preparing for the worst.

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Three Decades of Fighting for Our Students… and Why the Fight Isn’t Quite Over

“Leandro v. The State of North Carolina was first brought before the North Carolina Supreme Court in 1994. Fast forward almost 30 years later to March 2022 and Leandro is back on the docket of the state’s highest court. The Leandro litigation team brought to the courtroom a sense of deja vu, again arguing that the state of North Carolina was violating its students’ right to a sound education by underfunding its public education system.”

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The Debate over Stolen Artifacts: Are Notable Museums a Den of Thieves?

“In recent years, museums have been questioned more and more about the provenance of their collections, and more calls have been made in support of the return of objects acquired during the colonial era or by military force to their countries of origin. Critics and community leaders are still seeking the return of numerous artifacts, most of which hold cultural or religious significance in the communities from which they were taken.”

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International Refugees: A Global Issue Closer Than We Think

“One of the biggest questions tackled by the UNHCR is not necessarily if we help refugees, rather how we best help refugees. This question may seem like it has some far away answer in the stormy seas off the Italian coast or the heavily guarded Turkish border. However, the question and its answer applies to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro community more than one may think.”

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The Ambassador of Poland, speaking at Chapel Hill, sees a long road ahead for the Ukraine war

“On January 25th 2023, UNC Chapel Hill hosted the Ambassador of Poland to the United States, his Excellency Marek Magierowski, who spoke on the Russia-Ukraine war. The mindset of Russian leadership, Poland’s role in the crisis, and the future of the war were topics of discussion for the Ambassador, who predicted an enduring conflict.“

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The Post-Roe Landscape: States’ Rights Reign Supreme

“Roughly six months later, the post-Roe landscape has shifted. Since this decision, 24 states have banned or are likely to ban abortion. While these bans are newer, the reality of a lack of access is not a new concept for marginalized and minority groups. People of color are overrepresented in those seeking abortion services, creating the opportunity for this group to be disproportionately affected by these bans.”

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Celebrating the Renville Treaty: Indonesia’s Growing Role in International Relations

“Excerpt: On the 75th anniversary of Dr. Frank Porter Graham’s negotiation of the Renville Treaty, the Carolina Asia Center held a joint conference between The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) in Jakarta which discussed Indonesia’s past, present, and future on the world stage…Indonesia is rapidly gaining economic and political influence on the world stage via increasingly diverse foreign direct investment, Indonesia’s sway within ASEAN, and the desire to forge an independent Indonesian path.“

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